QUESTION 1: According to Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF), what are the three specific terms related to Management phaze that can help improve conversations among business stakeholders? Show Answer Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) Junior
QUESTION 2: What are 6 key steps for establishing a management baseline according to Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF)? Show Answer Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) Junior
QUESTION 3: What is management baseline according to Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF)? Show Answer Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) Junior
QUESTION 4: What are the 5 disciplines of cloud governance according to Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF)? Show Answer Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) Junior
QUESTION 5: Is Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) available for all Azure Subscriptions? Show Answer Microsoft Defender Junior
QUESTION 6: Can you use Microsoft Defender to evaluate security of your on-premise applications? Show Answer Microsoft Defender Junior
QUESTION 8: Can you add more than one lock an Azure resource? Show Answer Azure Resource Manager Junior
QUESTION 9: Can you delete a resource group that contains resources with locks? Show Answer Azure Resource Manager Junior
QUESTION 10: Which Microsoft service can you use to get information about how Microsoft handles privacy, compliance and security? Show Answer Azure Cloud Junior
QUESTION 12: You see no raised alerts in Microsoft Sentinel. Can you identify active threats another way? Show Answer Azure SentinelMicrosoft Defender Junior
QUESTION 13: Are Microsoft Sentinel data connectors limited to Microsoft products only? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure SentinelMicrosoft Defender Junior
QUESTION 20: What additional aspect is evaluated in conditional access when Identity Protection feature is available? Show Answer Azure AD Conditional Access Junior
QUESTION 21: What is a process of verification who is a user who is trying to sign-in? Show Answer Security Junior
QUESTION 22: What is a process of verification what a user can do when a user is accessing the application? Show Answer Security Junior
QUESTION 23: What Azure feature can you use to deploy Azure resources to multiple subscriptions and ensuring the resources are consistent? Show Answer Azure Blueprints Junior
QUESTION 24: What is data loss prevention (DLP) feature used for in Microsoft 365? Show Answer Microsoft 365 Junior
QUESTION 25: What part of Microsoft 365 Defender can you use to review security trends? Show Answer Microsoft Defender Junior
QUESTION 26: What part of Microsoft 365 security center do you use to identify users and devices affected by alert? Show Answer Microsoft Defender Junior
QUESTION 27: How do you trigger Azure Policy compliance evaluation scan on-demand? Show Answer Azure Policy Junior
QUESTION 29: How can you evaluate what Azure resources are non-compliant with the standards that your company defines? Show Answer Azure Policy Junior
QUESTION 30: How do you ensure that newly created resources adhere to standards your company defines for Azure? Show Answer Azure Policy Junior
QUESTION 31: Can you use Azure Policy to automatically remediate non-compliant resources? Show Answer Azure Policy Junior
QUESTION 33: How objects and credentials are synchronized in hybrid environment using Azure AD Connect? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Domain Services Junior
QUESTION 34: Does Azure AD Connect need multiple Azure tenants? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Domain Services Junior
QUESTION 35: What tool do you need to implement hybrid identity? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Domain Services Junior
QUESTION 36: What can Azure AD Connect help you with? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Domain Services Junior
QUESTION 38: What operating sysems are supported by Microsoft Intune? Show Answer Microsoft Intune Junior
QUESTION 39: What devices can be managed by Microsoft Intune? Show Answer Azure Network Security Groups Junior
QUESTION 40: Can NSGs filter traffic to and from internet based on IP, port and protocol? Show Answer Azure Network Security Groups Junior
QUESTION 41: Can NSGs allow or deny outbound traffic to internet? Show Answer Azure Network Security Groups Junior
QUESTION 42: Can NSGs allow or deny inbound traffic from internet? Show Answer Azure Network Security Groups Junior
QUESTION 43: What is the recommended way to enforce use of multifactor authentication? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Conditional Access Junior
QUESTION 44: Can you modify Azure AD group membership using conditional access policies? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Conditional AccessAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 45: Are conditional access policies applied to global admin roles or are global admins excluded from conditional access policy processing? Show Answer Azure Active Directory Junior
QUESTION 49: What can you do using Conditionl Access App Control access and session policies? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Conditional AccessMicrosoft Defender Junior
QUESTION 50: What is Conditional Access App Control? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Conditional AccessMicrosoft Defender Junior
QUESTION 51: What is the previous name of Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps? Show Answer Microsoft Defender Junior
QUESTION 53: What actions can happen when reviewers don't respond to access review in Azure AD Privileged Identity management (PIM)? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 54: What are some of the Azure AD Privileged identity management (PIM) alerts with Low risk level? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 55: What are some of the Azure AD Privileged identity management (PIM) alerts with Medium risk level? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 56: What are some of the Azure AD Privileged identity management (PIM) alerts with High risk level? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 57: How can you customize Alerts in Azure AD Privileged identity management (PIM)? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 58: How are Alert in Azure AD Privileged identity management (PIM) useful? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 59: How can I use access reviews to make sure my people still need their role assignments? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 60: What are Eligible role assignments in Azure AD Privileged Identity Management? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 61: What is Role Activation in Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM)? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 62: How do you allow user User1 to activate Azure AD role Application Administrator for himself on his own? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 63: What is Application Developer role in Azure AD? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 64: How do you activate Azure AD role that you are eligible to activate? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 65: How do you verify what Azure AD roles you are eligible to activate for yourself using Privileged Identity Management (PIM)? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure Privileged Identity Management Junior
QUESTION 66: How do you enable Security defaults in Azure AD? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Conditional Access Junior
QUESTION 67: What are Security defaults in Azure AD? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure AD Conditional Access Junior
QUESTION 68: After deploying Azure Firewall you realized that your Windows server virtual machines deployed to VNET are not activated. What could be the issue? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 69: What does the setting Block all traffic to remote virtual network on your virtual network peering do? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Network Security GroupsAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 70: What is the good opportunity to use HA ports on Azure Load Balancer? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Load Balancer Junior
QUESTION 71: What are High availability ports in Azure Load Balancer? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Load Balancer Junior
QUESTION 72: What Azure Load Balancer SKU supports High availability ports? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Load Balancer Junior
QUESTION 73: How many Azure Network Watcher Connection monitors do you need to create to monitor two different regions? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 74: How are tests generated in Azure Network Watcher Connection monitor? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 75: What are Azure Network Watcher Connection monitor test groups? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 76: How is MinChildEndpoint setting useful in Azure Traffic Manager? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Traffic Manager Junior
QUESTION 77: What is custom health probe in Azure Application Gateway? Show Answer Azure Application GatewayAzure Cloud Junior
QUESTION 78: You deployed Azure Application Gateway and didn't configure a health probe. How is health of backend pools monitored? Show Answer Azure Application GatewayAzure Cloud Junior
QUESTION 79: You create a private link for your Azure App Service. What will be the autoregistered DNS name? Show Answer Azure App serviceAzure CloudAzure Private Link Service Junior
QUESTION 80: You are using ExpressRoute. What tool can you use to monitor up time and latency between your Azure virtual machine and on-premises virtual machine? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure ExpressRouteAzure Network WatcherAzure Virtual Machines Junior
QUESTION 81: How do you enable your on-premises devices use DNS hosted in Azure? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Virtual MachinesAzure virtual network gatewayAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 82: What feature of Azure Active Directory do you need to use when configuring point-to-site VPN connections to your virtual network using Azure Active Directory authentication? Show Answer Azure Active DirectoryAzure CloudAzure virtual network gatewayAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 83: You have integrated your Azure App Service to a virtual network. Are the connections from App Service to virtual machines in the same virtual network done from private IP or public IP? Show Answer Azure App serviceAzure CloudAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 84: You have integrated your Azure App Service to a virtual network. Can other devices from the same virtual network access the App Service using the private IP address? Show Answer Azure App serviceAzure CloudAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 85: You have two Azure Front Door rules that match the URL of an incoming request. What rule will be selected? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 86: What virtual network gateway SKU do you need to use Azure ExpressRoute circuit? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure ExpressRouteAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 88: What types of ExpressRoute circuit peerings exist? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure ExpressRoute Junior
QUESTION 89: How can you monitor ExpressRoute health? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure ExpressRoute Junior
QUESTION 92: What is the ExpressRoute circuit composed of? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure ExpressRoute Junior
QUESTION 95: What SKU do you need to enable ExpressRoute Global Reach between different geopolitical regions? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure ExpressRoute Junior
QUESTION 97: What is ExpressRoute Local and when would you use it? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure ExpressRoute Junior
QUESTION 98: What are the Microsoft services that you can connect to using ExpressRoute? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure ExpressRoute Junior
QUESTION 100: What are the key benefits of Azure ExpressRoute? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure ExpressRoute Junior
QUESTION 102: You are migrating hub-to-spoke topology to Azure Virtual WAN. What are the steps that you should do? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Virtual NetworksAzure Virtual WAN Junior
QUESTION 103: Can network security groups (NSG) with service tags be used to prevent access to one Azure Storage account and allow access to another Azure Storage Account? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure StorageAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 104: You use Azure storage account that is accessed from your virtual network using service endpoint. What steps do you need to do to support disaster recovery? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure StorageAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 105: You use Azure Storage with GRS settings. What is the target location where data is replicated to? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Storage Junior
QUESTION 106: Your Azure virtual machines are assigned to availability zone 1 and 2. Your Azure NAT gateway is assigned to zone 1. Can both virtual machines use the NAT gateway for outgoing traffic? Show Answer Azure Cloud Junior
QUESTION 107: You have a network security group configured on your VNET. It is blocking target service tag Storage. You create a private endpoint to Azure Storage Account. Can VNET resources access the storage account? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Network Security GroupsAzure Private Link Service Junior
QUESTION 108: You are configuring your Azure virtual network gateway to authenticate with Azure AD. What protocol and what VPN client do you need? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 109: You want to connect from your Azure virtual machine (VM) to Azure CosmosDB. Your virtual network is secured by network security group (NSG) that filters outbound traffic. What do you need to configure to allow traffic from your VM to CosmosDB? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Cosmos DBAzure Network Security GroupsAzure Virtual Machines Junior
QUESTION 110: How many application security groups (ASG) do you need to assign ASG to virtual machines in two different virtual networks? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Virtual MachinesAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 111: What DNS record do you need to configure to make your website use Traffic Manager profile? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Traffic Manager Junior
QUESTION 112: Using Azure Traffic Manager, you plan to route users to the endpoint by user's geographic location. However, for Europe you plan 5% of your traffic to be sent to specific endpoint. What configuration will you use? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Traffic Manager Junior
QUESTION 113: Does Azure Application Gateway require dedicated subnet? Show Answer Azure Application GatewayAzure Cloud Junior
QUESTION 114: What custom authored rules can be created in Azure Front Door Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 115: What actions are available in Azure Front Door Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 117: What is a rule set rule in Azure Front Door? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 118: What is a match condition in Azure Front Door? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 119: What can you use Azure Front Door match conditions to? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 120: What is the operator between match conditions if you use more of them in one Azure Front Door rule? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 121: What are the features than Azure Front Door Premium SKU has on top of Standard SKU? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 123: What component do you need to have installed to support VPN authentication to on-premises Active Directory when you use point-to-site VPN with OpenVPN? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 124: What Azure Firewall rule type do you need to use to filter by IP? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 125: What Azure Firewall rule type do you need to use to filter by FQDN? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 126: What is a name of a subnet that the Azure Firewall is deployed to? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 129: What are Azure Firewall Application rules? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 131: What is a difference between inbound and outbound Azure Firewall rules? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 133: What is Rule collection in Azure Firewall? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 134: What do you need to know about Azure Firewall rule collection types and rule types? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 135: What types can be set on Azure Firewall rule collection? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 136: What are the default Azure Firewall rule collection groups? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 137: What is Azure Firewall rule collection group? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 140: What type of VPN tunnel do you configure to use P2S gateway connection? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Virtual MachinesAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 141: Your Azure VM has IPv4 address assigned. What do you need to do to assign IPv6 address? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Virtual MachinesAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 142: What is the minimal size of IPv6 subnet? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Virtual MachinesAzure Virtual Networks Junior
QUESTION 143: What is Stopped endpoint monitor status in Azure Traffic Manager? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Traffic Manager Junior
QUESTION 144: What is Disabled endpoint monitor status in Azure Traffic Manager? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Traffic Manager Junior
QUESTION 145: What is Degraded endpoint monitor status in Azure Traffic Manager? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Traffic Manager Junior
QUESTION 146: What is CheckingEndpoint endpoint monitor status in Azure Traffic Manager? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Traffic Manager Junior
QUESTION 147: What is Inactive endpoint monitor status in Azure Traffic Manager? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Traffic Manager Junior
QUESTION 148: What is Online endpoint monitor status in Azure Traffic Manager? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure Traffic Manager Junior
QUESTION 149: What is a difference between Azure local network gateway and virtual network gateway? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 150: What are the options to make highly available cross-premises and VNet-to-VNet connectivity? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 151: How many instances does Azure virtual network gateway have in active-standby configuration? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 152: What type of public IP address do you need for Azure Virtual network gateway? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 153: You are troubleshooting Azure VPN Gateway. What diagnostic data is logged to P2SDiagnosticLog table? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 154: You are troubleshooting Azure VPN Gateway. What diagnostic data is logged to IKEDiagnosticLog table? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 155: You are troubleshooting Azure VPN Gateway. What diagnostic data is logged to GatewayDiagnosticLog table? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 156: You are troubleshooting Azure VPN Gateway. What diagnostic data is logged to TunnelDiagnosticLog table? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 157: You are troubleshooting Azure VPN Gateway. What diagnostic data is logged to RouteDiagnosticLog table? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 158: What are zone-redundant virtual network gateways in Azure? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 159: How many public IP addresses does Azure VPN Gateway use when configured to active-active mode? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 160: What VPN types does Azure VPN Gateway support? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 161: What gateway types does Azure VPN Gateway support? Show Answer Azure CloudAzure virtual network gateway Junior
QUESTION 162: You have deployed Azure NAT Gateway and during peak hours, you realized that some of your users are getting connection errors due to failed SNAT connections. How will you resolve this? Show Answer Azure Cloud Junior
QUESTION 163: How bot protection feature helps in Azure Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Show Answer Azure Application Gateway Junior
QUESTION 164: What SKUs does Azure Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF) have? Show Answer Azure Application Gateway Junior
QUESTION 165: What is the detection policy mode in Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Show Answer Azure Application Gateway Junior
QUESTION 166: What is the prevention policy mode in Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Show Answer Azure Application Gateway Junior
QUESTION 167: What is Per-URI policy in Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Show Answer Azure Application Gateway Junior
QUESTION 168: How are security policies evaluated on Azure Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF) when you use both globlal WAF policy and per-site WAF policy? Show Answer Azure Application Gateway Junior
QUESTION 169: What is Per-site WAF policy in Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Show Answer Azure Application Gateway Junior
QUESTION 170: What is global WAF policy in Application Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Show Answer Azure Application Gateway Junior
QUESTION 171: What types of policies does Azure Web Application Firewall support? Show Answer Azure Application Gateway Junior
QUESTION 172: What is a difference between Azure Firewall and App Gateway Web Application Firewall (WAF)? Show Answer Azure Application GatewayAzure Firewall Junior
QUESTION 173: What is connection monitor feature in Azure Network Watcher good for? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 174: What is VPN troubleshoot feature in Azure Network Watcher good for? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 175: What is Next hop feature good for in Azure Network Watcher? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 176: What is Effective security rules feature in Azure Network Watcher good for? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 177: When would you use packet capture feature f Azure Network Watcher? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 178: You store data using packet capture feature of Azure Network Watcher. How do you read the data? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 179: Where options do you have to store data of packet capture in Azure Network Watcher? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 180: What is Azure Network Watcher Packet Capture good for? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 181: What are the supported source types for Azure Network Watcher Connection Troubleshoot feature? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 182: What is Network Watcher Connection Troubleshoot? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 183: You are configuring Traffic Analytics and no log analytics workspace is showing even that you have created log analytics workspace before. What could be the issue? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 184: What are the prerequisites to use Traffic Analytics in Azure Network Watcher? Show Answer Azure Log Analytics WorkspaceAzure Network Security GroupsAzure Network WatcherAzure Storage Junior
QUESTION 185: What do you need to do in order to setup Traffic Analytics in Network Watcher? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 186: How can you visualize network flow logs collected by Network Watcher? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 187: What is Traffic Analytics feature of Network Watcher good for? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 191: What are the supported resource types in Network Watcher NSG diagnostics? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 192: What permissions do you need in order to be able to execute Network Watcher IP flow verify check? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 193: Is Azure Network Watcher intended for PaaS monitoring or Web analytics? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 194: How do you enable Azure Network Watcher for a specific region? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 195: In what resource group are Azure Network Watcher resources automatically created? Show Answer Azure Network Watcher Junior
QUESTION 196: What is a difference between Azure Front Door manager and Front Door designer? Show Answer Azure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 197: What is security policy in an Azure Front Door endpoint? Show Answer Azure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 199: What are the best practices to handle custom-managed certificates in Azure Front Door? Show Answer Azure Front Door Junior
QUESTION 200: How do you recommend to manage TLS certificates in Azure Front Door? Show Answer Azure Front Door Junior