QUESTION 1: Using Entity Framework Core, how do you define which tables should be eager loaded? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 3: What is N+1 query problem in Entity Framework and how to fix it? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 4: What is query splitting in Entity Framework and why would you use it? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 5: Do you use your Entity Framework models in API controllers? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 7: Why would you recommend a company to use Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 9: What is a server evaluation and client evaluation in Entity Framework and why should you know about it? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 10: Using Entity Framework, how do you check if a row exists in a database? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 11: How do you handle SQL injection attacks in Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 12: When are queries executed when you use Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 13: Which types of loading do you know and which type of loading is good in which scenario in Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 14: Using Entity Framework, when will you prefer to use Code First and when Database First approach? Why? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 15: What is a difference between Database First and Code First approach in Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 18: Using Entity Framework, how can you disable an object property from being mapped to a database entity column? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 19: What happens when you insert multiple rows using Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 20: How do you insert multiple rows in Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 21: Can you list a few methods of DbContext object in Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 22: What are advantages of Entity Framework over ADO.NET? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 23: What is a difference between dbContext.Orders.First() and dbContext.Orders.Single() in Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 24: How do you make Entity Framework to return only specific columns from the database instead of all table columns? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 25: A colleague is showing you a code that has an Entity Framework query in a foreach loop. What will you do? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 26: You defined Entity Framework LINQ query. How can you find out the target SQL statement the query gets translated to? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 28: What is query splitting in Entity Framework and why would you use it? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 29: What is include filtering in Entity Framework and why would you use it? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 30: You use Entity Framework and were asked to insert one million records to a MS SQL database. How will you approach this task? Show Answer Entity Framework Senior
QUESTION 31: Would you recommend to register and resolve a DbContext using dependency injection container and what lifetime would you use for the registration? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 32: What is change tracking in Entity Framework and why should you know about it? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 33: How do you make sure that your Entity Framework data access layer is performant? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 34: Using Entity Framework, how do you define that multiple nested entities should be eager loaded? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 35: What is Include method in Entity Framework good for? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 37: Using Entity Framework, how do you define mapping between an object properties and table columns? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 38: You use Entity Framework in your application. What are the approaches that you can do to upgrade a database schema? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 41: You do a code review and you see that the Entity Framework methods are used together with async keyword. Is it a good thing or bad thing and why? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 42: What is materialization in Entity Framework and why should you know about it? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 43: How can you monitor all queries that Entity Framework sends to a database server? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 44: What are the performance challenges that you or your colleagues were facing when using Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 45: How can you create multi-tenant applications using Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 46: Can you describe a repository design pattern and how is it used together with Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 47: Can you describe a unit of work design pattern and how is it used together with Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Mid-level
QUESTION 49: What advantage and disadvantage has eager loading and lazy loading in Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 50: What is a difference between lazy loading and eager loading in Entity Framework? Show Answer Entity Framework Junior
QUESTION 51: What is a difference between Entity Framework and ADO.NET? Show Answer .NETDatabasesEntity FrameworkORMPerformance Mid-level