QUESTION 1: How do you display a history of job executions in Kubernetes? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 2: You need to make sure that each pod scheduled as part of your Kubernetes job will have label myJobId="great job". How will you do that? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 3: You were asked to create a command that will display a status of a pod pod1 in namespace ns1. What will you do? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 4: How do you create pod pod1 of image nginx in namespace ns1 that will have the container name c1? Show Answer Kubernetes Mid-level
QUESTION 5: How do you get a list of endpoints that are available for service service1? Show Answer Kubernetes Mid-level
QUESTION 6: How can you run a pod on each node of Kubernetes and make sure that it is running only once on on each node? Show Answer Kubernetes Mid-level
QUESTION 8: Using kubectl, how do you convert yaml manifest of a specific pod pod1 to JSON format? Show Answer Kubernetes Mid-level
QUESTION 9: You are looking for IP address details of your Kubernetes nodes, but you are not sure what is a structure of node manifests. How can you find this details and learn more about the structure? Show Answer Kubernetes Mid-level
QUESTION 10: How can you display yaml details of all deployments, pods and services that are present in the current Kubernetes namespace? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 11: How can you display all objects that are present in the current Kubernetes namespace? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 12: Without kubectl, how do you display list of names of available Kubernetes contexts that you can use from the machine? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 13: Using kubectl, how do you display list of names of available Kubernetes contexts that you can use from the machine? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 14: How do you display current Kubernetes context using kubectl? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 15: How can you identify what IP addresses have the nodes assigned in Kubernetes? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 16: How can you get all nodes that are forming a Kubernetes cluster? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 22: How do you find Kubernetes pods that consume the most CPU? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 23: How can you speed up switching between namespaces using kubectl? Show Answer Kubernetes Mid-level
QUESTION 25: How do you get all events that Kubernetes logged for a pod with name pod1? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 26: What command can you use to get the address of the Kubernetes control plane and cluster services? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 27: How do you assign a custom service account to a Kubernetes pod? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 30: How do you create a Kubernetes job job1 with image busybox that will be executed 3 times and maximum of 2 job instances will run in parallel? The command executed in a job should be sleep 10 && echo "Hello world" Show Answer Kubernetes Mid-level
QUESTION 31: How can you display a list of Kubernetes pods that will automatically rerender when a pod status changes? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 32: What are the three kinds of object management supported in Kubernetes? Show Answer Kubernetes Junior
QUESTION 33: How do you create a temporary pod and verify a http connectivity to a service svc1 that exposed a port 80? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 34: How do you create a service svc1 from a Kubernetes pod pod1? The service should use a tcp port redirection of 8080:80. Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 35: What is privileged setting of securityContext used for in Kubernetes container manifest? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 36: What is allowPrivilegeEscalation setting of securityContext used for in Kubernetes container manifest? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 37: How do you change a number of replicas of a Kubernetes deployment dep1 to 3? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 38: On which level can you configure securityContext field in Kubernetes? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 40: How do you rollback deployment d12 to a specific revision? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 41: How do you display a history of Kubernetes deployment d12 in namespace ns2? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 43: How do you create a Kubernetes pod using the busybox image that will execute two commands after the container starts? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 44: You have a yaml definition of a pod stored in file.yaml. How do you create the pod from the definition? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 47: How do you configure a time after which the Kubernetes readiness probe is to be evaluated for the first time? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 49: What are some best practices related to Kubernetes namespaces? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 51: What is a difference between a pod and a container in Kubernetes? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 53: How can you save a yaml definition of a Kubernetes pod with name pod1 in namespace mypods to a file and edit it using Nano editor? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 54: How do you create a Kubernetes pod with name pod1 and image busybox? The pod should be in a namespace mypods Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 55: How would you write a list of Kubernetes namespaces to a file? Each namespace should be on a separate line and there should be no header. Show Answer Kubernetes Senior
QUESTION 56: How do you get a list of Kubernetes namespaces using kubectl? Show Answer Kubernetes Senior