What is secureValue property in ARM template for Azure Container Instance deployment good for?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Azure CloudAzure Container InstancesAzure Security Center


Using secureValue property you can define an environment variable that will be accessible from within the container, but its value won't be displayed in Azure Portal.

Example of the yaml:

apiVersion: 2019-12-01 location: eastus name: securetest properties: containers: - name: mycontainer properties: environmentVariables: - name: 'NOTSECRET' value: 'my-exposed-value' - name: 'SECRET' secureValue: 'my-secret-value' image: nginx ports: [] resources: requests: cpu: 1.0 memoryInGB: 1.5 osType: Linux restartPolicy: Always tags: null type: Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups

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