Give an example of a time that you used Prototypal OO in JavaScript.

Experience Level: Medior
Tags: JavaScript


One example of a time that I used Prototypal OO in JavaScript was when I was working on a project that required creating multiple instances of an object with similar properties and methods. Instead of creating each instance individually, I used prototypal inheritance to create a base object and then created new instances by inheriting from that base object.

For example, let's say I was creating a game that had multiple characters with similar properties and methods, such as health, attack power, and a method to attack. I could create a base object called "Character" with these properties and methods:

function Character() { = 100;
  this.attackPower = 10;

Character.prototype.attack = function(target) { -= this.attackPower;

Then, I could create new instances of the "Character" object by using the "Object.create" method to inherit from the base object:

var player1 = Object.create(Character); = "Player 1";

var player2 = Object.create(Character); = "Player 2";

Now, both "player1" and "player2" have the same properties and methods as the "Character" object, but can also have their own unique properties, such as a name. This approach saved time and made the code more efficient by avoiding repetitive code.

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