What is an object in C#?
In C# an object is a piece of code that mimics an object in a real world. You can create any object you want and give it properties and behavior you want.
Imagine you have god power. You can create a blueprint of an object and then create as many objects as you want based on the blueprint. All the created objects will have the same behavior and properties as the bluepint prescribes.
This is what you can do in C#. The blueprint is a class. And an object can be created from the class.
In the example below, there are two classes. Class Program with method Main contains a block of code that gets automatically executed after your application starts. The second class is a class Radio. It is a blueprint for creating radio objects. In the method Main we create three radio objects where each of them is created based on the blueprint (class) Radio. So each of the objects will have the same behavior and same properties. But they are theree independent objects where one can exist independently on the other. If one gets deleted the other two will still exist.
public class Program
public static void Main()
var radio1 = new Radio();
var radio2 = new Radio();
var radio3 = new Radio();
public class Radio {
public void TrunOn() {
// Some code here
void TurnOff() {
// Some code here
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