BP269: Do Refactoring for Auto-generated Code

When working with .NET Core and C#, it is common to use code generators to create boilerplate code for various tasks. While these generators can save time and effort, they often produce code that is difficult to maintain and modify. Therefore, it is recommended to perform refactoring on auto-generated code to improve its quality and make it more maintainable.

Refactoring is the process of improving the design and structure of existing code without changing its behavior. When applied to auto-generated code, refactoring can help to eliminate redundancies, improve readability, and make the code more modular. This can make it easier to modify the code in the future and reduce the risk of introducing bugs or errors.

For example, consider a scenario where a code generator is used to create a data access layer for a .NET Core application. The generated code may contain redundant or unnecessary code, such as duplicate database connections or inefficient queries. By performing refactoring on this code, it is possible to eliminate these issues and create a more efficient and maintainable data access layer.


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