BP200: Use a common error handling framework to ensure consistency in the error handling approach across microfrontends.

Use a common error handling framework to ensure consistency in the error handling approach across microfrontends. When building microfrontends, it is important to have a consistent approach to error handling. This helps to ensure that errors are handled in a predictable and reliable way, which can improve the overall user experience. By using a common error handling framework, you can ensure that all microfrontends follow the same approach to error handling, making it easier to maintain and update the system as a whole.

One example of a common error handling framework is to use a centralized error logging service. This service can be used to capture and log errors that occur across all microfrontends. By centralizing error logging, you can easily track and monitor errors, and quickly identify and fix issues as they arise. This can help to improve the overall stability and reliability of the system, and reduce the risk of downtime or other issues that can impact the user experience.

// Example of centralized error logging service using Sentry
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';

  dsn: 'YOUR_DSN_HERE',
  // other configuration options...

// Example of logging an error
try {
  // some code that might throw an error
} catch (error) {

Another example of a common error handling framework is to use a consistent approach to error messages and error pages. By defining a standard set of error messages and error pages, you can ensure that users receive a consistent and clear message when an error occurs. This can help to reduce confusion and frustration, and improve the overall user experience.

// Example of a standard error message component
import React from 'react';

const ErrorMessage = ({ message }) => (
  <div className="error-message">
    <p>An error occurred: {message}</p>

export default ErrorMessage;

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